In this section, we have collected a variety of published research articles, book-length publications, critical anthologies, and special issues of academic journals (e.g., Research on literacy in diverse educational contexts) exploring code-meshing as a translingual writing strategy in the classroom and beyond.

Prevalent in networked communication and frequently aided by the use of multimodality, code-meshing, as argued, allows its users to tap into the full range of their linguistic repertoire and literacy practices, to negotiate their identity, discover their voice, and advance their arguments effectively (e.g., Blessed in my own way: Pedagogical affordances for dialogical voice construction in multilingual student writing, or I’m an artist and a scholar who is trying to find a middle point). Through this process, students recognize how this makes their writing and speaking more natural (although it is not necessarily easier) while also becoming aware of the risks of writing unconventionally.

Some of these resources include lesson plans and assignments (e.g., Code-meshing and culturally relevant pedagogy for college writing instruction) that allow both domestic and international students to explore their diverse use of language outside of the dominant conventions of academic and professional writing.

Other resources are academic studies that have observed and traced the intricacies of mixed languages (including pidgins and creoles) around the globe (APiCS) and the diversity of dialects within a single language, like English (Do You Speak American?).

Please note that the items appear in alphabetical order according to the short title, across several pages. Please explore!