Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Category Resolutions and Position Statements

Here you will find the position statements of several organizations in linguistics, writing pedagogy, and language education. The statements reflect on and respond to the increasingly globalized environment writing instructors are working in and globalized audiences their students are writing for.

“Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing”

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). (2016). Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing. Retrieved from http://www2.ncte.org/statement/teaching-writing/

“Resolution on the Oakland ‘Ebonics’ Issue”

Linguistic Society of America. (1997). LSA Resolution on the Oakland “Ebonics” Issue. Issues in linguistics: School curriculum. Find the resolution here.

“Second Language Writing and Writers”

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). (2001, 2009, 2014). CCCC Statement on Second Language Writing and Writers. Check out the statement here

“Statement on Ebonics”

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). (1998, 2016). CCCC Statement on Ebonics. Check out the resolution here

“Students’ Right to Their Own Language”

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). (1974). Resolution on the Students’ Right to Their Own Language. Check out the resolution at here.    

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