Translation Unbound: Designing Community-Engaged Research to Foster Partnerships in Brooks Landing
Summary: The success of community-engaged research requires transparency and a reciprocal relationship between the community and researchers. In this workshop, participants will explore the principles of community-engaged scholarship: communication through Course Design, collaboration through Community Partnerships, and creativity through Transcreation Projects. Featuring the course WRT 263/ENG 289/LTS 263 Translation: Interpreting and Adapting.
Keywords: community-engaged research, undergraduate education, collaborative partnership
- John DeMott, 19th Ward Community Association
- Maria Furgiuele, Executive Director, Community Design Center of Rochester
- Linford Hamilton, Owner of D&L Groceries
- Sara Kowalski, Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program, University of Rochester
- Wayne Luong, Owner of The Wok
- Dana Miller, Director of Business and Housing Development, City of Rochester; Owner of Brue Coffee
- Stella Wang, Writing, Speaking, and Argument Program, University of Rochester
- Students of WRT 263/ENG 289: Fawzi Ali, Lily Deng, Lisa Kim, Monica Nair, Matthew Pugsley, Diana Rodriguez