Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Tag Pedagogy

“Developing Argumentative Writing Assignments” 2017

Here is one of the handouts used by Whitney Gegg-harrison during her segment of the presentation “Anyone Can Code-Mesh: Teaching and Tutoring Strategies for the First-Year Classroom” at the Conference on Composition and Communication in March 2017. It is designed… Continue Reading →

“Developing Argumentative Writing Assignments” 2018

“Developing Argumentative Writing Assignments that Involve Code-Meshing” is a handout used by Whitney Gegg-harrison during her portion of the University of Rochester’s Writing Speaking and Argument Program’s presentation at CCCC 2018.      

“Developing Formal/Argumentative Paper Assignments”

SUNY COW 2016 :: Code-Meshing: Affordances and Challenges :: Formal Assignment Workshop Dr. Whitney Gegg-Harrison (whitney.gegg-harrison@rochester.edu) Developing Formal/Argumentative Paper Assignments Questions to consider towards developing an assignment that will work for YOUR class  

“Discourse Tensions, Englishes”

Nero, S. J. (2010). Discourse tensions, Englishes, and the composition classroom. In B. Horner, M-Z Lu, and P. K. Matsuda (Eds.), Cross-language relations in composition (pp.142-157). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/0809329824

“Guiding and Support”

This is a segment of the presentation give by Sarah Lamade, who could not physically attend the Conference on College Composition and Communication herself. In this video, she discusses how to guide a code-meshing process in a one-on-one session with… Continue Reading →

“How to Introduce Students to Code-meshing”

How to introduce students to code-meshing? Stella Wang

“Identifying Teachable Strategies of Translanguaging”

Canagarajah, S. (2011). Codemeshing in academic writing: Identifying teachable strategies of translanguaging. The Modern Language Journal, 95(3), 401-417. Find the article here.

“Incorporating Code-meshing into Tutoring”

This handout was given out as part of Sarah Lamade’s segment of the presentation “Anyone Can Code-Mesh: Teaching and Tutoring Strategies for the First-Year Classroom” at the 2017 Conference on College Composition and Communication. It describes certain strategies of promoting… Continue Reading →

“Incorporating Code-Meshing into Tutoring”


“Julie Washington’s Quest”

Brennan, W. (2018, April). Julie Washington’s Quest to Get Schools to Respect African-American English. The Atlantic.  Find the article here.

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