Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

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“Between the World and Me”

Coates, T-N. (2015). Between the World and Me. New York: Spiegel & Grau. Find the book here: worldcat.org/isbn/0812993543 An excerpt: That was the same summer that the killer of Trayvon Martin was acquitted, the summer I realized that I accepted that there… Continue Reading →

“Beyond the Rice Fields”

Naivo, (2017) Beyond the rice fields (A.M. Charette, Trans.) New York, NY: Restless Books. Find this book at worldcat.org/isbn/1632061317

“Dear Parents”

This is a sample student project with designer’s notes that code-meshes American English, West African English, French, as well as Bambara and Wolof throughout. Code-meshing is used to achieve communication success with the multilingual community that the author wanted to reach… Continue Reading →

“How Code Switching Explains the World”

From Code-Switched: Race and Identity, Remixed, a blog from NPR Find the blog here.  

“It’s Beautiful”

Coca-Cola. (2014). It’s Beautiful [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/RiMMpFcy-HU.

“Permission to Speak”

Harris, J. B. (2014). Permission to speak. In B. Terry, Afro-vegan, Farm-fresh African, Caribbean & Southern flavors remixed (pp. vii-viii). Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/1607745313 An excerpt: As I paged through the manuscript, reading the text for… Continue Reading →

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