Williams, A. K., Owens, L. R., & Syedullah, J. (2016). Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books. Find the book here: worldcat.org/isbn/1623170982
Ahmad, D. (Ed.) (2007). Rotten English: A literary anthology. New York, NY: Norton. Find the anthology at worldcat.org/isbn/0393329607
Designer’s Notes “As a long-time Apple enthusiast, the idea to create a simulated Siri conversation for my code-meshing multimodal project came to me almost instantaneously. The nature of The Siri Project was quite simple: I would ask Siri numerous questions related to… Continue Reading →
Below is a cross-register example of a code-meshed work by Sarah Pursell. This essay is also multi-modal with the image at the beginning revisited and analyzed in the end. This analysis reflects the message within the essay while also adding… Continue Reading →
From Code-Switched: Race and Identity, Remixed, a blog from NPR Find the blog post here.
Young, V. A. (2010). Should writer’s use they own English?. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(1), 110-117. Find the article at ir.uiowa.edu/ijcs/vol12/iss1/10
Saro-Wiwa K. (1994). Sozaboy: a novel in rotten English. White Plains, N.Y., Longman. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/0582236991
Smitherman, G. (1977). Talkin and testifyin: The language of Black America. Wayne State University Press. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/0814318053 An excerpt: The most distinctive differences in the structure of Black Dialect are patterns using be (sometimes written and pronounced… Continue Reading →
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