Laverick, E. K. (2015). Code-meshing within a multimodal framework. Find the website here.
Werner, T. (Producer). Shakespeare translation [Television sitcom episode]. A different world.
Cooper, B (2018). Eloquent rage: a black feminist discovers her superpower. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Find the book here:
Bennett, K. (2007). Epistemicide! The tale of a predatory discourse. The Translator, 13(2), 151-169. Find the article at
Smitherman, G. (1996). African-American English: From the hood to the amen corner. University of Minnesota. Find the book at
Peele, J. (Director). (2017). Get out. Los Angeles: Universal Studios. In the scene above, Chris tries to reach out to Georgina by using salient expressions of AAVE. With, however, her former consciousness trapped deep in the metaphorical “Sunken Place” and… Continue Reading →
Campbell, K. E. (2005). “Gettin’ our groove on”: Rhetoric, language, and literacy for the hip hop generation. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Find the book at
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