Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Tag African American English

“Should Code-switching Be Taught in Schools?”

Oliver, R. , Rubba, J., Meyer, R., McIntosh, G., Morris, C., Seidenberg, M., & Brennan, W. (2018, April 29). Letters: should code-switching be taught in schools? The Atlantic. Find the article here.

“Should Writer’s Use They Own English?”

Young, V. A. (2010). Should writer’s use they own English?. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(1), 110-117. Find the article at ir.uiowa.edu/ijcs/vol12/iss1/10

“Statement on Ebonics”

NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English). (1998, 2016). CCCC Statement on Ebonics. Check out the resolution here

“Talkin and Testifyin”

Smitherman, G. (1977). Talkin and testifyin: The language of Black America. Wayne State University Press. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/0814318053 An excerpt: The most distinctive differences in the structure of Black Dialect are patterns using be (sometimes written and pronounced… Continue Reading →

“Three Ways to Speak English”

Lyiscott, J. (2014). 3 ways to speak English. TED Talks.

“Tiny Desk Concert”

Chance The Rapper: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert. (2017, July 17)

“Vocal Color in Public Radio”

Kumanika, C. (2015). Vocal color in public radio. The Transom Review 15(2), 1-26. Find the article here.

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