Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Category Code-Meshing Assignments and Projects

“Codeswitching & Bilingualism in a Connected World”

This is a sample student paper, written by Graeme McGuire at the University of Rochester. It was presented at the March Conference on College Composition and Communication as part of the presentation “Anyone Can Code-Mesh: Teaching and Tutoring Strategies for… Continue Reading →

“Dear Parents”

This is a sample student project with designer’s notes that code-meshes American English, West African English, French, as well as Bambara and Wolof throughout. Code-meshing is used to achieve communication success with the multilingual community that the author wanted to reach… Continue Reading →

“It’s Written All Over Your Face”

The following essay is an example of student work that crosses registers and modalities to great effect. The essay, “It’s Written All Over Your Face: The Dynamic Synergy of Emotion and Social Interaction,” analyzes outer emotion to debunk the prevalent viewpoint that… Continue Reading →

“Mambo vijana, Congratulations”

Here is an example of a student’s formal writing assignment using code-meshing. It was used as an example by Suzanne Woodring during her presentation “Code-Meshing and Rhetoric: Engaging Audience and Language Diversity” at CCCC 2018.

“Sikhism and the Translation Controversy”

This is a sample research paper proposal, written by Esty Thomas at the University of Rochester. It was presented at the Conference on Composition and Communication in March 2017, as part of the presentation “Anyone Can Code-Mesh: Teaching and Tutoring… Continue Reading →

“The Siri Project”

Designer’s Notes “As a long-time Apple enthusiast, the idea to create a simulated Siri conversation for my code-meshing multimodal project came to me almost instantaneously. The nature of The Siri Project was quite simple: I would ask Siri numerous questions related to… Continue Reading →

“Sir, Yes, Sir!”

Below is a cross-register example of a code-meshed work by Sarah Pursell. This essay is also multi-modal with the image at the beginning revisited and analyzed in the end. This analysis reflects the message within the essay while also adding… Continue Reading →

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