Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Category Code-Meshing in the Real World

Here you will find examples of code-meshing in pop culture ranging from TV sitcoms to hip-hop music, from advertisements to Broadway musicals. There are also literary examples whose authors reflect on their heritage and foreground their language under the pressure of the dominant language and discourse.

We’ve also found some examples of code-meshing where you might least expect it, such as in ethnic cookbooks and TED-talks. Code-meshing may even be found in presidential greetings!

Please note that the items appear in alphabetical order according to the short title, across several pages. Please explore!

“Eloquent Rage”

Cooper, B (2018). Eloquent rage: a black feminist discovers her superpower. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Find the book here: worldcat.org/isbn/1250112575

“English in North America”

Yale Grammatical Diversity Project, English in North America. Find the website here.

“Get Out”

Peele, J. (Director). (2017). Get out. Los Angeles: Universal Studios. In the scene above, Chris tries to reach out to Georgina by using salient expressions of AAVE. With, however, her former consciousness trapped deep in the metaphorical “Sunken Place” and… Continue Reading →

“Greetings massive! Wha gwaan Jamaica?”


“Hearing Hands”

Hearing Hands by Samsung. (2015).


Gyasi, Y. (2017). Homegoing (reprint ed.). New York: Vintage. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/1101971061. An excerpt (code-meshing English and Asante Twi [of Ghana]) Akua would start each walk by asking her daughters where they wanted to go. She would sling baby Yaw in… Continue Reading →

“How Code Switching Explains the World”

From Code-Switched: Race and Identity, Remixed, a blog from NPR Find the blog here.  

“In the Heights”

Miranda, L-M. (Music & lyrics), & Hudes, Q. A. (Writer). In the Heights [a musical]. The video above is a clip from the PBS’s ‘Great Performances’: Opening night & 96,000.   For an excellent example of English-Spanish code-meshing, check out “Sunrise” (lyrics).  

“It’s Beautiful”

Coca-Cola. (2014). It’s Beautiful [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/RiMMpFcy-HU.

“Julie Washington’s Quest”

Brennan, W. (2018, April). Julie Washington’s Quest to Get Schools to Respect African-American English. The Atlantic.  Find the article here.

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