Encouraging the Expression of Linguistic Identity in Writing, Speaking, and Arguing

Category Code-Meshed Academic Works

Here you will find examples of scholars who have used code-meshing in a variety of ways. Some consistently use it as a writing strategy for an entire essay, or even an entire book. Others use it in their academic works at strategic junctures to make a point. In the past, it has been common to use code-meshing across registers (often in the title), and more recently there has been a move towards using code-meshing across languages and dialects.

In all cases, code-meshing allows scholars to reveal and express their distinct, insightful perspectives. They take ownership of their language in order to express their voice, presence, and identity as a communicator and/or to take a stance on a particular topic.

Please note that the items appear in alphabetical order according to the short title, across several pages. Please explore!

“All That’s Gold Does Not Glitter”

Rockman, M. V. (2012). The QTN program and the alleles that matter for evolution: all that’s gold does not glitter. Evolution, 66(1), 1-17. Find this article at doi.org/10.1111/j.1558-5646.2011.01486.x

“Are You Being Served?”

Van Mulken, M., & van der Meer, W. (2005). Are you being served?: A genre analysis of American and Dutch company replies to customer inquiries. English for Specific Purposes, 24(1), 93-109. Find the article at doi.org/10.1016/j.esp.2004.07.001

“Blowin’ in the Wind”

Hancock, C., & Kolln, M. (2010). Blowin’ in the wind: English grammar in United States schools. In T. Locke (Ed), Beyond the grammar wars, A resource for teachers and students on developing language knowledge in the English/literacy classroom (pp. 21-37)…. Continue Reading →

“Borderlands/La frontera”

Anzaldúa, G. (1987). Borderlands/La frontera: the New Mestiza. San Francisco: Aunt Lute. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/1879960850

“Epistemicide! The Tale of Predatory Discourse”

Bennett, K. (2007). Epistemicide! The tale of a predatory discourse. The Translator, 13(2), 151-169. Find the article at doi.org/10.1080/13556509.2007.10799236

“From the Hood to the Amen Corner”

Smitherman, G. (1996). African-American English: From the hood to the amen corner. University of Minnesota. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/1-881221-21-0 

“Gettin’ Our Groove On”

Campbell, K. E. (2005). “Gettin’ our groove on”: Rhetoric, language, and literacy for the hip hop generation. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/081432925X

“Making Face, Making Soul/ Haciendo Caras”

Anzaldúa, G. (Ed.). (1990). Making face, making soul/haciendo caras: Creative and critical perspectives by women of color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation. Find the book at worldcat.org/isbn/0933216742

“Me Fail English? That’s Unpossible!”

Forgione, A. & Radcliffe, A. (n.d.). Me fail English? That’s unpossible!: Multicultural literacies  Check out the online paper here: http://multiculturalliteracies.qwriting.qc.cuny.edu/  

“Movin on up a Lil Higher”

Smitherman, G. (2004). Language and African Americans: Movin on up a lil higher. Journal of English Linguistics, 32(3), 186-196. Find the article at doi.org/10.1177/0075424204268223

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